Rhino Play (Online Content)

Dr. Mário Ferraz is a renowned specialist recognized worldwide in preservation rhinoplasty, with extensive experience in applying SPAR techniques A, B, and C. His online courses are designed to provide in-depth, practical training, covering everything from online dissections to live surgeries with detailed explanations. By participating in Dr. Ferraz’s courses, you will gain access to advanced and innovative knowledge, developing essential skills to perform rhinoplasty procedures with excellence.

In 2024, we decided to create his online platform called Rhino Play to replay all the favorite courses of his students, including Preservation, Magic Week, and some challenge surgeries. You can watch all this content from the comfort of your home and enjoy 100% lifetime access after purchase


Rhino Play Member (Coming Soon)

Join to watch new surgeries and dissection.

MF Training

All Presential Courses of Dr. Mário Ferraz

MF Training

All Presential Courses of Dr. Mário Ferraz

Magic Week – One Week Fellowship